Social norms refer to patterns of behavior expected within a particular society in a given situation; rules or guidelines in a group or culture about what behaviors are proper and improper; society's standards for behavior.

Moreover. Social norms is defined as the implicit or explicit rules and guidelines provided by every culture for judging acceptable and unacceptable behaviors values, and beliefs of its members.; rules and standards that are generally accepted by the members of a group or culture, and which influence their behaviour.


Social norms refer to the unwritten rules or expectations that govern people's behavior within a specific society or group. These norms are often influenced by cultural values, beliefs, and traditions, shaping how individuals interact and behave in social situations. In psychology, social norms are studied to better understand how they impact human behavior, attitudes, and decision-making. Violating social norms can lead to social rejection or disapproval, while conforming to these norms can result in social acceptance and approval. Social norms play a crucial role in regulating behavior and maintaining social order within a community.

Application Areas

  • Behavioral psychology
  • Social psychology
  • Cross-cultural psychology
  • Developmental psychology
  • Organizational psychology

Treatment and Risks

  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy
  • Social skills training
  • Risks of social isolation
  • Risks of nonconformity


  • Standing in line rather than cutting ahead
  • Wearing appropriate attire to a formal event
  • Not speaking loudly in a library
  • Following traffic rules while driving

Similar Concepts and Synonyms

  • Conformity
  • Social expectations
  • Group norms
  • Customs
  • Ethical standards


Social norms are the unwritten rules that govern behavior in specific societies or groups, shaping how individuals interact and behave. Understanding social norms is crucial in psychology to comprehend human behavior and decision-making processes. Violating social norms can lead to social rejection, while conforming can result in social acceptance.


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