Glossary A

Deutsch: Attribut / Español: Atributo / Português: Atributo / Français: Attribut / Italiano: Attributo /

Attribute is a characteristic of a person or a thing.

Attribution refers to an inference about the cause of our own or another’s behaviour.

Attribution cube refers to an Attribution theory that uses three (3) types of information: consensus, consistency, and distinctiveness

Attribution retraining refers to the therapeutic intervention in which helpless children are persuaded to attribute failures to their lack of effort rather than a lack of ability.

The Attribution theory describes the processes of explaining events and the behavioral and emotional consequences of those explanations.

- Attribution theory : Attribution theory refers to a theory that looks for regularities in the ways in which people attribute things that happen to certain causes, either internal or external.

Attribution-of-arousal theory refers to an approach that combines the James-Lange emphasis on bodily feedback with a cognitive approach to emotion.