Glossary A

Attentional processes refers to the processes that determine what is attended to and therefore what is learned through observation.

Deutsch: Abschwächung / Español: Atenuación / Português: Atenuação / Français: Atténuation / Italiano: Attenuazione /

Attenuation in the Psychology Context:

Attenuation in psychology refers to the reduction or weakening of a stimulus, response, or effect. It is a concept often used in the study of perception, learning, and psychophysics to understand how individuals perceive and respond to stimuli with varying intensity or clarity. The term "attenuation" comes from the Latin word "attenuare," which means "to make thin" or "to weaken."

Deutsch: Dämpfungstheorie / Español: Teoría de la atenuación / Português: Teoria da atenuação / Français: Théorie de l'atténuation / Italiano: Teoria dell'attenuazione /

Attenuation theory refers to a model of attention in which unattended perceptual events are transmitted in weakened form but not blocked completely before being processed for meaning.

Deutsch: Einstellung / Español: Actitud / Português: Atitude / Français: Attitude / Italiano: Atteggiamento /

Attitude a key concept of social psychology refers to a favorable or unfavorable evaluative reaction toward something or someone, exhibited in one's beliefs, feelings, or intended behavior.

Attitude accessibility refers to the strength of the association between an object and a person's evaluation of that object; accessibility is measured by the speed with which people can report how they feel about an issue or object.

The Attitude inoculation describes the exposing people to weak attacks upon their attitudes so that when stronger attacks come, they will have refutations available.

Attitude polarization refers to the finding that people’s attitudes become more extreme as they reflect on them

Attitude scale refers to a collection of attitudinal statements with which respondents indicate agreement or disagreement.