Deutsch: Beratung / Español: Consejería / Português: Aconselhamento / Français: Conseil / Italiano: Consulenza

In alcohol and drug treatment, counselors are specially trained professionals who perform a variety of treatment activities, including assessment; education; and individual, marital, and family counseling.

Counseling in the psychology context refers to a professional relationship that empowers diverse individuals, families, and groups to accomplish mental health, wellness, education, and career goals. It involves structured conversations and interactions with a trained counselor who uses established psychological principles and techniques to help clients explore and solve issues.


Counseling is a collaborative effort between the counselor and the client. Professional counselors help clients identify goals and potential solutions to problems which cause emotional distress, seek to improve communication and coping skills, strengthen self-esteem, and promote behavior change and optimal mental health.

Application Areas

Counseling can be applied in various settings and can address multiple issues:

  • Mental Health Counseling: Focuses on emotional, psychological, and behavioral issues. It can help manage conditions like depression, anxiety, and stress.
  • Educational Counseling: Helps students understand and overcome social or behavioral problems; assists with academic and career planning.
  • Marriage and Family Counseling: Focuses on the dynamics within relationships and families, aiming to resolve conflicts and foster a better understanding among members.
  • Rehabilitation Counseling: Aids individuals dealing with physical, developmental, or emotional disabilities to achieve their personal, career, and independent living goals.

Well-Known Examples

Counseling techniques and methods include:

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): A popular technique used in various types of counseling that focuses on identifying and changing negative thought patterns that have a harmful influence on behavior and emotions.
  • Person-Centered Therapy: Developed by Carl Rogers, this non-directive approach emphasizes the client's capacity for self-guidance and growth.

Treatment and Risks

The effectiveness of counseling often depends on the relationship between the counselor and the client, including trust and openness. A lack of connection or miscommunication can hinder progress. Also, while counseling provides support, it can sometimes bring up painful memories or emotions as part of the healing process.

Similar Terms

Related concepts include:

  • Psychotherapy: Often used interchangeably with counseling, though it generally deals with deeper or more chronic psychological issues.
  • Therapy: A broader term that encompasses various methods of treatment to relieve or heal disorders, which can be either psychological or physical.


Articles with 'Counseling' in the title

  • Counseling psychologist: Counseling psychologist refers to a kind of Psychologist who specializes in the treatment of milder, everyday emotional and behavioral problems or disturbances- Counseling psycholog- ists interests and activities overlap significantly with . . .
  • Existential model of cross-cultural counseling: Existential model of cross-cultural counseling is a term which was suggested by Speight, Myers, Cox, and Highlen (1991) that in trying to understand clients, clinicians should be aware of their uniqueness (Eigenwelt ), their common experien . . .
  • Genetic counseling: Genetic counseling refers to advice concerning the probabilities that a couple's children will show genetic abnormalities. It is a a service designed to inform prospective parents about genetic diseases and to help them determine the likeli . . .
  • Individual Counseling: Individual Counseling: Individual counseling in the psychology context is a therapeutic process where a single client works one-on-one with a mental health professional, such as a psychologist, psychiatrist, or licensed counselor, in a safe . . .
  • Support and Counseling: In the psychology context, Support and Counseling refer to a range of therapeutic practices and interventions designed to help individuals cope with emotional, psychological, and life challenges


Counseling in psychology is a professional practice where trained counselors assist individuals in achieving mental health and wellness, resolving issues, and making decisions for personal growth. It utilizes a variety of therapeutic techniques tailored to the individual’s needs and is fundamental in promoting mental health and well-being in various settings.

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