A colleague is a fellow member of the same profession.

Colleagues are those explicitly united in a common purpose and respect each other's abilities to work toward that purpose. A colleague is an associate in a profession or in a civil or ecclesiastical office. In a narrower sense, members of the faculty of a university or college are each other's colleagues.

Collegiality is the relationship between colleagues.

In the psychology context, a colleague is a person who works in the same profession or field, often within the same organization or company. Colleagues are typically peers who share a common professional interest and may collaborate on projects, share resources, or offer support and guidance to one another.

Colleagues may also be referred to as colleagues within the same professional community, and may interact with one another through professional associations or networks, conferences, or other events. In some cases, colleagues may also be considered friends or personal connections, depending on the nature of their relationship.

Working with colleagues can be a valuable experience, as it allows professionals to learn from one another, share ideas and expertise, and contribute to the advancement of their field. It is important for colleagues to maintain a respectful and professional relationship, even if they may have different viewpoints or approaches to their work.

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