Deutsch: Gemeinschaft / Español: Comunidad / Português: Comunidade / Français: Communauté / Italiano: Comunità /

Community is a group of people living in the same geographic area, such as neighborhood, town, or city under common laws; it is also a group of people having fellowship, a friendly association, a mutual sharing, and common interests.

In the psychology context, community refers to a group of people who share common values, beliefs, and behaviors and who interact with one another on a regular basis. Communities can be large or small, and they can be based on various factors, such as geographic location, ethnicity, religion, interests, or shared experiences.

Examples of communities in the psychology context include:

  • Neighborhood communities
  • Religious communities
  • Professional communities (e.g. medical, legal)
  • Online communities (e.g. forums, social media groups)
  • Support groups (e.g. for individuals with mental health concerns, substance use disorders, or chronic illness)

Communities can provide a sense of belonging and connection for their members, and can also offer support, resources, and opportunities for growth and development. Research has shown that being a part of a supportive community can have positive effects on an individual's mental health and well-being. On the other hand, being isolated from a community or feeling disconnected from others can have negative effects on mental health.