Deutsch: Anleitung / Español: Orientación / Português: Orientação / Français: Orientation / Italiano: Guida /

Guidance a term which involves direction, demonstration, supervision, and influence.

In psychology, guidance refers to the process of helping individuals make decisions and achieve their goals by providing them with information, advice, and support. Guidance can be provided in a variety of settings, such as education, counseling, and career development. Here are some examples of guidance in different contexts:

  1. Educational guidance: Educational guidance refers to the process of helping students make decisions about their academic and career paths. This can include providing information about different college majors and career options, helping students select courses and plan their schedules, and providing support with the college application process.

  2. Career guidance: Career guidance involves helping individuals identify and achieve their career goals. This can include providing information about different career paths, helping individuals develop job search strategies, and providing support with resume writing and job interviews.

  3. Counseling guidance: Counseling guidance involves helping individuals manage personal or emotional issues that may be affecting their lives. This can include providing support for mental health issues, helping individuals manage stress, and providing guidance on relationships and family issues.

  4. Financial guidance: Financial guidance involves helping individuals manage their finances and make informed decisions about money. This can include providing information about budgeting, saving, and investing, and providing support with financial planning.

  5. Parenting guidance: Parenting guidance involves helping parents navigate the challenges of raising children. This can include providing information about child development, helping parents develop effective discipline strategies, and providing support with family issues.

In all of these examples, guidance is aimed at helping individuals make informed decisions and achieve their goals. Guidance can be provided in a variety of settings and can be tailored to meet the specific needs of the individual. By providing information, advice, and support, guidance can help individuals overcome challenges

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