Convention refers to a shared assumption about communication.

In the psychology context, convention refers to a commonly accepted and agreed-upon standard or practice in a given society or culture. It can include social norms, customs, traditions, and unwritten rules of behavior that dictate how individuals should act or interact in various situations. Here are some examples:

  1. Shaking hands as a greeting: In many Western cultures, it is customary to shake hands when meeting someone new or when greeting someone in a formal setting.

  2. Wearing black to a funeral: In many cultures, black is the traditional color of mourning and it is expected to wear black clothing when attending a funeral.

  3. Bowing as a sign of respect: In some Eastern cultures, bowing is a common way to show respect to elders or authority figures.

  4. Not interrupting someone while they're speaking: In many cultures, interrupting someone while they're speaking is considered rude and disrespectful.

  5. Using proper table manners: In many cultures, there are specific rules of etiquette for eating, such as using a fork and knife, not talking with your mouth full, and placing your napkin on your lap.

Overall, conventions help to establish social order and facilitate smooth communication and interaction among individuals in a society.

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