Deutsch: Gegennachahmung / Español: Contraimitación / Português: Contracópia / Français: Contre-imitation / Italiano: Controimitazione /

Counterimitation means learning what should not be done by observing the behavior.

Counterimitation refers to the process of imitating an action in a way that is different from how it was originally demonstrated. It is the opposite of imitation, which involves copying an action exactly as it was demonstrated. Counterimitation is an important aspect of social learning, as it allows individuals to adapt and modify behaviors to fit their own needs and circumstances.

Examples of counterimitation in psychology include:

  1. A child who watches a parent fold a shirt but then folds it in a slightly different way that is more comfortable or efficient for them.

  2. A student who observes a teacher solving a math problem but then comes up with a different method that is easier for them to understand.

  3. A person who watches a friend dance but then incorporates their own unique style into the dance moves.

In each of these examples, the individual is imitating a behavior but adding their own personal touch or adapting it to better suit their needs. This process of counterimitation allows for greater flexibility and individualization in social learning.