Clubfoot which is also known as Talipes Equinovarus is a foot deformity that is detected at birth. It affects the bones, muscles, tendons, and blood vessels and can affect one or both feet. The foot is usually short and broad in appearance and the heel points downward while the front half of the foot, or forefoot, turns inward. The heel cord (Achilles tendon) is tight. The heel can appear narrow and the muscles in the calf are smaller compared to a normal lower leg.

It is also known as talipes equinovarus. Clubfoot occurs in approximately 1 in 1000 births and is more common in males than females. It is caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors, although the exact cause is not fully understood.

Clubfoot can be treated with a variety of methods, including the Ponseti method, which involves manipulating the foot into the correct position and then holding it in place with a cast. Surgery may also be necessary in some cases. With early and appropriate treatment, most children with clubfoot are able to walk and run normally.

Examples of conditions that are associated with clubfoot include arthrogryposis, a rare congenital disorder that affects joint mobility, and spina bifida, a neural tube defect that affects the development of the spinal cord. Clubfoot may also occur in conjunction with other skeletal or muscular disorders, such as cerebral palsy.

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