Control condition refers to an experimental condition, often with no treatment, used as a baseline.

In psychology, a control condition refers to a group or condition in an experiment that is used as a standard of comparison for the experimental group. The purpose of a control condition is to ensure that any changes observed in the experimental group are due to the independent variable being manipulated and not to other factors.

For example, in a study on the effects of a new drug on depression, one group of participants may receive the new drug while another group receives a placebo (a control condition). The placebo group provides a baseline for comparison to see if any changes in the experimental group are due to the drug or simply due to the placebo effect.

Another example of a control condition is a group that receives no treatment at all. This group can be used as a comparison to determine if the treatment is effective or if any changes observed are simply due to the passage of time.

Control conditions are important in research because they help to establish causal relationships between variables and reduce the likelihood of confounding variables affecting the results. They are used in a variety of research designs, including experiments, quasi-experiments, and observational studies.