Glossary E

Ekistics refers to the science of human settlements, including city or community planning and design.
Elaboration refers to the process of relating incoming information to information already stored in permanent memory. Elaboration is also defined as a memory strategy involving forming new associations. To elaborate is to link with other ideas or images; a memory strategy in which information is embellished to make it more memorable

elaboration likelihood model
the Theory that there are two ways in which persuasive communications can cause Attitude change; the central route occurs when people are motivated and have the

Elaboration principle refers to the tendency for groups to expand as members form dyadic associations with someone who is not in the group and thereby draw the non-member into the group.

Elaborative encoding refers to encoding that links new information with existing memories and knowledge.

Elaborative rehearsal is defined as the process by which information is held in working memory, either by repeating items over and over or by making meaningful connections between the information in working memory and information already known.

Elaborative strategy refers to a method for increasing retention of new information by relating it to well-known information.
Elasticity is defined as the ability of muscle to return to its original length following stretching.