Glossary E

Elastin is defined as a protein within elastic fibers of connective tissue accounting for the elasticity of structures such as the skin, blood vessels, heart, lungs and tendons.

Deutsch: Euphorie / Español: Euforia / Português: Euforia / Français: Extase / Italiano: Euforia /

Elation is a strong feeling of happiness, joy, or exuberance. It is characterized by an intense and uplifting emotional state that often includes feelings of exhilaration, ecstasy, and excitement. Elation is a positive emotional experience that can be triggered by various factors, such as personal achievements, exciting events, or moments of extreme happiness.

Elavil, also known by its generic name amitriptyline, is a medication primarily prescribed for its psychotropic effects in the treatment of various mental health conditions. It falls under the category of tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) and has been used for decades to manage a range of psychological disorders. Amitriptyline is not a psychology-related term, but its significance lies in its role as a pharmacological tool in the field of mental health treatment.

ELBW, which stands for Extremely Low Birth Weight, is a term used in the field of psychology and neonatology to describe infants who are born with a birth weight significantly below the average for their gestational age. ELBW infants typically weigh less than 1,000 grams (2.2 pounds) at birth, and their survival and long-term health outcomes are of particular concern due to their extreme prematurity. Understanding the challenges and implications associated with ELBW is essential for healthcare providers, parents, and researchers in the field of child development and psychology.

Elder abuse refers to any physical, sexual, verbal, psychological, or financial abuse perpetrated against an older adult. Elder abuse is most often committed by caretakers, whether they are

Elderly abuse refers to neglect and/or physical and emotional abuse of dependent elderly persons.

Eleanor Emmons Maccoby a Doctor in Psychology who greatly contributed to the study of socialization of young children and their behavior

Elective selection refers to one of the two (2) main reasons for selection that occurs when one chooses to reduce one's involvement to fewer domains as a result of new demands or tasks, such as when a college student drops out of some organizations because of the amount of work required in the courses she is taking that term. Selection can involve the continuation of previous goals on a lesser scale or the substitution of new goals, and it may be either proactive or ractive,