Glossary E

Eleventh hour or 11th Hour refers to the last moment. The word is derived from the parable in the Bible where laborers hired at the eleventh hour of the twelve-hour workday were paid the same as those hired earlier.

Deutsch: Hervorrufen / Español: Provocar / Português: Provocar / Français: Susciter / Italiano: Suscitare /

Elicit means to bring forth evoke.

Elicitation in Psychology: Uncovering Thoughts, Emotions, and Behaviors

In the realm of psychology, elicitation refers to the process of drawing out or extracting information, thoughts, emotions, or behaviors from individuals. It is a valuable technique used by psychologists, counselors, researchers, and even individuals seeking self-awareness and personal growth.

Elicited Imitation refers to a method of assessing memory in which an action sequence is shown to infants, who then try to imitate

Eliciting effect refers to iImitative behavior in which the observer does not copy the model ’s responses but simply behaves in a related manner. (see Inhibitory/ disinhibitory effect, Modeling effect.)

Elimination in the Psychology Context: Understanding, Examples, and Strategies for Healing

Elimination in the context of psychology refers to the process of removing or eliminating undesirable thoughts, behaviors, or patterns from one's life. This concept plays a significant role in various aspects of mental health, personal development, and therapeutic processes. In this comprehensive exploration, we will delve into the meaning and significance of elimination, provide examples to illustrate its various forms, offer recommendations for addressing elimination-related challenges, and discuss related psychological concepts that shed light on the complexities of human behavior and well-being.

Elimination by aspects something that occurs when people eliminate alternatives by focusing on aspects of each alternative, one at a time
Elimination disorders refer to disorders in which a child shows frequent, uncontrolled urination or defecation far beyond the age at which children usually develop control over these functions