Glossary E

Electrooculogram (EOG) is defined as a measurement of eye movement. This data is collected through sensors.

Element is defined as a single chemical substance composed of only one type of atom, examples are calcium or potassium. It is also defined as the unit of which a population is comprised and which is selected in a sample. Distinguished from units of analysis, which are used in data analysis. Summarized: An Element is defined as a material that cannot be broken down into other materials.

- Elementary cognitive tasks: - Elementary cognitive tasks (ECTs) : Elementary cognitive tasks (ECTs) refer to simple laboratory tests designed to measure participants' response times as they make presumably simple decisions ; the low-level, or basic, processes measured by ECTs are presumed to be closely related to physiological functioning and thus primarily under the influence of endogenous and inherited factors.

Elementism is defined as the belief that complex processes can be understood by studying the elements of which they consist. It is the belief that complex mental or behavioral processes are composed of or derived from simple elements and that the best way to understand these processes is first to find the elements of which they are composed.

In the psychology context, "elements" typically refers to the basic building blocks of human experience, thought, and behavior. Elements can refer to a variety of different constructs and concepts, depending on the particular field of psychology being discussed.

Elements of thought is a term which according to Wundt and Titchener refers to the basic sensations from which more complex thoughts are derived.

Elevation refers to the superior movement of the shoulder girdle, as in shrugging the shoulders.

Elevation coordinate is a term in hearing that refer to sound locations that are up and down relative to the listener.