Encopresis refers to the passage of feces into inappropriate places, such as clothing, whether involuntary or intentional.

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Encopresis refers to an elimination disorder in which the child is incontinent of feces and has bowel movements either in clothes or in another inappropriate place. It is the inability to control the elimination of stool; fecal incontinence

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Encopresis refers to diagnosis given to children who are at least 4 years old and who defecate inappropriately at least once a month for 3 months. It is the passage of feces into inappropriate places, such as clothing, whether involuntary or intentional. Moreover, Encopresis is defined as the failure to control the bowels once the normal age for bowel control has been reached. Encopresis can have a variety of causes which include: the inability to control the anal sphincter muscle or gastrointestinal problems, particularly chronic diarrhea and Crohn's disease. Several neurological disorders like Tourette's syndrome and Obsessive-compulsive disorder are also occasionally associated with the symptom of Encopresis, particularly in children Encopresis is also called Soiling.