Glossary G

generalized social phobia refers to a severe form of social phobia in which the subject fears most social situations, is afraid to meet or talk with new people, avoids contact with anyone outside his or her family, and finds it extremely difficult to attend school, participate in recreational activities, or socialize at all.

Generation effects. Please see Cohort effects.

Generativity refers to the desire to expand one's influence and commitment to family, society, and future generations.

Generativity versus stagnation refers to a conflict of middle adulthood in which self -interest is countered by an interest in guiding the next generation.

Generic refers to a drug not protected by a trademark.

Generic name is defined as the general name given to a drug that is shorter and easier for most people to say and memorize than its chemical or scientific name

Genes refer to segments of DNA that function as hereditary units.