Glossary G

Generalization training refers to the reinforcement of a behavior in a series of stimulus situations until it generalizes to other members of that stimulus class.

generalized amnesia refers to loss of memory of all personal information, including identity

The Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) refers to an excessive or unrealistic worry that is unrelated to another illness and can last six months or more.

Generalized imitation refers to the tendency to imitate a new modeled behavior in the absence of any specific reinforcement for doing so.

Generalized other is defined as the idea that other people tell you who and what you are

Deutsch: Generalisiertes Bestrafungsmittel / Español: Castigador Generalizado / Português: Punidor Generalizado / Français: Punitif Généralisé / Italiano: Punitore Generalizzato /

Generalized punisher is defined as an event that has become punishing because it has in the past been associated with many other punishers. Generalized punisher is a type of secondary reinforcer that has been associated with several other reinforcers.

Generalized reinforcer is defined as a conditioned reinforcer that is associated with many other reinforcers. This kind of reinforcer is effective because the person is usually deprived of at least one of the backup reinforcers.

Generalized seizure refers to a seizure caused by an abnormal rhythm of the entire brain formally known as "grand mal" bilaterally symmetric episodes characterized by a temporary lack of awareness, or what appears on observation to be a complete loss of consciousness.