Glossary G

Deutsch: Allgemeiner Eindruck / Español: Impresión General / Português: Impressão Geral / Français: Impression Générale / Italiano: Impressioni Generali /

General impression refers to the thought a person has in mind before he or she chooses the words to express it.

general intellectual functioning refers to one’s general level of intellectual ability, defined by an intelligence quotient (IQ or equivalent) derived from an assessment with one or more of the standardized, individually administered intelligence tests.

General medical conditions is defined as the physical and medical problems, especially those that might be associated with a client’s mental health concerns. General medical conditions are recorded on Axis III.

General paresis refers to a disease that leads to paralysis, insanity, and eventually death. The discovery of General paresis helped establish a connection between biological diseases and mental disorders

General practice effects is defined as the tendency for performance to improve with repetition
General solution is defined as a solution that correctly states the requirements for success but not in enough detail for further action.

General strain theory refers to a criminological theory whic posits that criminal behavior can result from strain caused by failure to achieve positively valued goals, stress caused by the removal of positively valued stimuli from the individual, or strain caused by the presentation of negative stimuli.

General systems theory refers to an important concept in Family therapy that conceives of the family as a system and believes that "pathology" is best reduced by altering the way the family system functions.