Mental images are internal images or visual depictions used in memory and thinking.

Mental images, also known as mental representations or mental models, are mental constructions that allow people to represent and manipulate information in their minds. Mental images can be created from a person's sensory experiences, such as seeing, hearing, touching, or smelling, and they can also be based on abstract concepts or ideas.

In the psychology context, mental images are thought to play a key role in a wide range of mental processes, including perception, memory, learning, problem-solving, and language. For example, mental images can help people to visualize and understand spatial relationships, remember and retrieve information from memory, solve mathematical problems, and comprehend and produce language.

Examples of mental images in the psychology context include:

  • A mental image of a person's face that allows them to recognize and identify the person
  • A mental image of a map that helps a person to navigate and find their way to a destination
  • A mental image of a math problem that allows a person to solve the problem in their head
  • A mental image of a story or article that helps a person to comprehend and remember the content

Mental images can be influenced by a person's individual experiences, culture, and education, and they can also be affected by various psychological factors, such as emotion, attention, and motivation.

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