Principle of visual analysis is finding differences that look convincing. If conditions are divided and stable, differences are convincing.

The principle of visual analysis is a concept in psychology that refers to the process of making sense of visual information by breaking it down into its individual parts and analyzing them to form a coherent whole. It is a fundamental process in the perception and interpretation of visual stimuli.

Examples of the principle of visual analysis in action include:

  • Reading: When we read, we break down the letters and words on the page into their individual components and analyze them to understand the meaning of the text as a whole.

  • Object recognition: When we look at an object, we analyze its shape, color, texture, and other features to identify what it is.

  • Face recognition: When we see a face, we analyze its features, such as the eyes, nose, and mouth, to recognize the person.

  • Spatial relationships: When we look at a scene, we analyze the spatial relationships between objects to understand how they are related to one another.

Overall, the principle of visual analysis is an important concept in understanding how we perceive and make sense of visual information. It helps to explain how we are able to recognize objects, faces, and scenes, and how we are able to navigate and interact with the visual world around us.

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