Deutsch: Bevölkerung / Español: Población / Português: População / Français: Population / Italiano: Popolazione /

Population refers to the entire group of individuals sharing a particular characteristic.

In psychology, "population" typically refers to a group of individuals who share certain characteristics or traits. Populations can be studied in order to understand the characteristics of the group as a whole and to identify patterns or trends within the group. Here are a few examples of how "population" might be used in the field of psychology:

  1. Sample population: In psychological research, a sample population is a group of individuals who are selected to participate in a study. The sample population is intended to be representative of the larger group or population that the researcher is interested in studying.

  2. Target population: The target population is the larger group or population that the researcher is interested in studying. The target population may be defined based on characteristics such as age, gender, race, or geographic location.

  3. Subpopulation: A subpopulation is a subgroup within a larger population that shares certain characteristics. For example, a researcher might study a subpopulation of older adults within a larger population of adults of all ages.

  4. Representative sample: A representative sample is a sample of individuals from a population that accurately reflects the characteristics of the population as a whole. Representative samples are often used in research to ensure that the findings are generalizable to the larger population.

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