Social class refers to distinctions made between individuals on the basis of important defining social characteristics.

In the psychology context, social class refers to the categorization of people based on their socio-economic status or standing in society. Social class can be based on a variety of factors, including income, education, occupation, and wealth.

Examples of social class in the psychology context include:

  • Upper class, which refers to people who have high socio-economic status and wealth
  • Middle class, which refers to people who have moderate socio-economic status and income
  • Lower class, which refers to people who have lower socio-economic status and income

Social class can have a significant impact on an individual's opportunities, experiences, and outcomes, and it can affect how they are perceived and treated by others. Psychologists and other mental health professionals may study social class in order to understand its effects on psychological well-being, behavior, and other outcomes. They may also explore ways in which social class differences can be addressed or reduced in order to promote greater equality and fairness.

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