Glossary A

Awareness contexts refer to social interactions among those who are coping with dying arising from the types of communication about the facts of the situation; Glaser and Strauss described closed, suspected, and open awareness, as well as mutual pretense

Awkward posture refers any position of the body while performing work activities that is associated with an increased risk for injury.

Axial myopia a type of Myopia (nearsightedness) in which the eyeball is too long. See also Refractive myopia.
Axial skeleton refers to the skull, vertebral column, ribs, and sternum.

Deutsch: Achse / Español: Eje / Português: Eixo / Français: Axe / Italiano: Asse /

Axis refers to a class of information in DSM-IV regarding an aspect of the individual's functioning. The DSM uses a multiaxial or multidimensional approach to diagnosing because rarely do other factors in a person's life not impact their mental health.

Axis I refers to the diagnostic axis of the DSM-IV-TR that identifies all of the clinical disorders that are present, except for the personality disorders and mental retardation.

Axis II refers to the diagnostic axis of the DSM-IV that indicates the presence of personality disorders or mental retardation.

Deutsch: Achse III / Español: Eje III / Português: Eixo III / Français: Axe III / Italiano: Asse III /

Axis III refers to the diagnostic axis of the DSM-IV that identifies current medical conditions that may be relevant to the conceptualization or treatment of the disorders diagnosed on Axes I and II.