Glossary A

Asch situation refers to an experimental procedure developed by Solomon Asch in his studies of conformity to group opinion. Participants believed they were making perceptual judgments as part of a group, but the other members were confederates who made deliberate errors on certain trials.

Ascribed status refers to status, class, rank, or position determined by family lineage, gender, birth order, or skin color.

ASDs is the abbreviations of Autism spectrum disorders which refers to developmental disorders including Autism, Asperger's syndrome, Rett's disorder, and Childhood disintegrative disorder which are characterized by impairment in communication skills, social interactions, and repetitive, stereotyped behavior. ASDs are also referred to as Developmental disorders.

Asexual means "not having sexual interests or abilities."

Asexual relationship refers to a type of intimate relationship in which the partners do not engage in sexual behavior.

Asexuality usually refers to the lack of sexual desire, but can also refer to a lack of maleness or femaleness.
Ashram it means a retreat in India where ordinary citizens can go for various periods of time and search themselves and the meaning of their lives.

Asian Americans refer to Americans whose cultural origins trace back to the Asian continent