Glossary A

- Autonomic nervous system (ANS) : The system of nerves connecting the brain to and carrying information to and from the internal organs and glands.

Autonomous morality refers to Piaget’s second stage of cognitive-developmental theory of moral development, in which children realize that rules are arbitrary agreements that can be challenged and changed with the consent of the people they govern In this stage, children base moral judgments on the intentions of the wrongdoer and on the amount of damage done. Social rules are viewed as agreements that can be changed. A relatively mature moral perspective, in which rules are viewed as a product of cooperative agreements.

Autonomy refers to the ability to function independently without control by others. "Function" includes actions, decisions and behaviour.

Autonomy support refer to parental attempts to foster individuality and self -determination by encouraging children to express their viewpoints, participate in family decisions that affect them, and to have some say in how they will comply with parental demands and directives.
Autonomy versus shame and doubt refers to the stage when infants develop autonomy or shame depending on the way parents react to their expression of will and their wish to do things for themselves.

Deutsch: Autoplastische Anpassung / Español: Adaptación Autoplástica / Português: Adaptação Autoplástica / Français: Adaptation Autoplastique / Italiano: Adattamento Autoplastico /

Autoplastic adaptation refers to that form of adjustment which results from changes within an individual.

Autopoietic system refers to autonomous, self -producing systems with self-defined boundaries.