Automatic egotism refers to the response by the automatic System that states "everything good is me, and everything bad is not me”.

Automatic egotism is a cognitive bias in which people tend to overestimate the importance of their own opinions and experiences. This can involve thinking that one's own perspective is more accurate or objective than it really is, or that one's own experiences are more representative of a larger group or trend than they actually are.

One example of automatic egotism might be a person who strongly believes that their own political beliefs are the correct ones and that anyone who disagrees with them must be misguided or uninformed. Another example might be a person who assumes that their own experiences with a particular product or service are representative of everyone's experiences, and therefore makes recommendations or judgments based on their own limited perspective.

Automatic egotism can lead to biases in decision-making and can make it difficult for people to consider alternative viewpoints or perspectives. It is important to be aware of this bias and to try to actively consider other viewpoints and experiences when making decisions or forming opinions.

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