Glossary A

Activating effect refers to the temporary effect of a hormone on behavior or anatomy, occurring only while the hormone is present

Activation-synthesis hypothesis is an attempt to explain how random activity in lower brain centers results in the manufacture of relatively bizarre dreams by higher brain centers. It is a view that during dreams, various parts of the cortex are activated by the input arising from the pons plus whatever stimuli are present in the room, and the cortex synthesizes a story to make sense of all the activity

Activation-synthesis theory refers to the theory that dreaming results from the cortical synthesis and interpretation of neural signals triggered by activity in the lower part of the brain.

Activational effect refers to the effect of a hormone on a physiological system that has already developed.

Active aggression when a person harms others by performing a behavior, example is the spreading vicious rumors

Active deception refers to the intentional presentation of misinformation about a study to its participants. The most common form of active deception is misleading participants about the specific purpose of the study. Active deception is also known as --->Commission.

Active engagement when a person continue to be sociable and involved in doing things as he or she gets older.

Active euthanasia involves the deliberate ending of a person’s life through an intervention or action, which may be based on a clear statement of the person’s wishes or a decision made by someone else who has the legal authority to do so, example are the parents or spouse of the dying or suffering person. It is the deliberate ending of someone’s life; activities such as mercy killing or physician-assisted suicide which are designed to end a person's life, often to end a person's suffering.