Glossary A

Active phase refers to a period in the course of Schizophrenia in which psychotic symptoms are present.

Deutsch: Aktive Verarbeitung / Español: Procesamiento activo / Português: Processamento ativo / Français: Traitement actif / Italiano: Elaborazione attiva /

Active processing refers to a collection of activities that includes relating new information to information we have in permanent memory, asking questions of the material, and writing summaries or outlines of the material.

Active reason refers to the faculty of the soul that searches for the essences or abstract concepts that manifest themselves in the empirical world according to Aristotle. Aristotle thought that the active reason part of the soul was immortal.

Active schemas refers to cognitive schemas occurring in everyday events;

Active touch refers to a kind of touch in which the observer plays an active role in touching and exploring an object, usually with his or her hands.

Active transport is the protein-mediated process that expends energy to pump chemicals from the blood into the brain

Active voice refers to a sentence in which the surface structure subject is also the deep structure or logical subject of the sentence, such as when a mother scolded her child.