Glossary A

Anticipatory anxiety is defined as a fear of having a panic attack; may lead to the development of phobias.

Anticipatory coarticulation refers to a type of coarticulation in which the shape of the vocal tract for a given Speech sound is infuenced by upcoming sounds.

Anticipatory contrast refers to the the process whereby the rate of response varies inversely with an upcoming ("anticipated”) change in the rate of reinforcement.

Anticipatory grief refers to the feelings of loss and guilt while the dying person is still alive.

Anticipatory grief and mourning refer to experiences of grief and mourning occurring prior to but in connection with a significant loss that is expected to take place.

Anticipatory retracing means self -repair in which the speaker traces back to some point prior to an error. Previously correct material is repeated along with the corrected material.

Anticonformity is a psychological concept that refers to the deliberate and conscious rejection of social norms, expectations, and conventions by an individual. It involves deviating from the established norms and values of a society or group in a purposeful manner. In this article, we will explore the concept of anticonformity in depth, provide examples of anticonformist behavior, discuss the risks and benefits associated with it, offer recommendations for navigating anticonformity effectively, and touch upon its historical and legal aspects. We will also list some similar psychological concepts related to conformity and nonconformity.

Anticonformity (or counterconformity) means deliberately expressing opinions, making judgments, or acting in ways that are different from those of the other group members or the group’s norms in order to challenge the group and its standards rather than simply for the purpose of expressing one’s personal preferences.