Glossary B

Brummagem is a word which means "cheap and showy". It is refers to something that is counterfeit or of inferior quality which is after Brummagem, a dialectal form of Birmingham, in United Kingdom, where counterfeit coins were produced in the 17th century. Brummie is a nickname for someone from Birmingham.

Bruner Coding system refers to the Brunerian concept referring to a hierarchical arrangement of related categories.

Brutality in the Psychology Context:

Brutality in psychology refers to extreme and violent behavior or actions characterized by cruelty, harshness, and a lack of empathy or restraint. It encompasses acts of physical, emotional, or psychological harm towards others and can manifest in various contexts, including interpersonal relationships, societal dynamics, and even within individuals. Understanding brutality from a psychological perspective involves examining its causes, consequences, and potential interventions.

Bruxism refers to teeth grinding during sleep. Bruxism is due to clenching of the teeth other than in chewing and is associated with forceful lateral or protrusive jaw movements.

Bubba psychology refers to an expression for folk beliefs in psychology which is also referred to as naive or implicit theories. Bubba means grandmother.
Buckley Amendment (FERPA) also known as the Family Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 refers to the law that affirms the right of all individuals to have access to their educational records.

Buckram is defined as stiff cotton fabric used in interlining garments and in bookbinding which is also means "to give a false appearance of strength, importance, etc."

Buddhism is a philosophy and religion that originated in ancient India and has spread throughout the world. While it is primarily seen as a spiritual practice, Buddhism also has implications for psychology and mental health. In this context, Buddhism can be seen as a practical guide for understanding and alleviating suffering.