Deutsch: Theorie / Español: Teoría / Português: Teoria / Français: Théorie / Italiano: Teoria /

Theory refers to an organized set of concepts that explains a phenomenon or set of phenomena.

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Theory is a term in Human development that refers to an organized set of ideas that is designed to explain (human) development.

There are five (5) general perpectives that influence current research, although in truth there are comprehensive theories of human development to guide research:

  1. Psychodynamic theory
  2. Learning theory
  3. Cognitive theory
  4. Ecological and systems theory
  5. Theories involving the life-span perspective, selective optimization with compensation, and the life-course perspective.

A theory in the context of psychology is a set of concepts and principles that are used to explain and predict behavior and mental processes. Theories provide a framework for understanding and interpreting observed phenomena, and they guide research by suggesting hypotheses to be tested.

Examples of theories in psychology include: