Deutsch: Gegenstand / Español: Elemento / Português: Item / Français: Élément / Italiano: Articolo /

Item refers to a specific stimulus to which a person responds overtly and that can be scored or evaluated.

In the field of psychology, an item refers to a specific stimulus or question that is presented to a participant in a psychological test or assessment. The participant is then expected to respond to the item in a certain way, such as by selecting a response option or providing a written or verbal response. Items are designed to measure various psychological constructs, such as intelligence, personality, attitudes, and behaviors.

One example of an item in a psychological assessment is a multiple-choice question on an intelligence test. The participant is presented with a question and a set of possible responses, and they are expected to select the response that they believe is correct. The response can then be scored and used to calculate the participant's overall intelligence score.

Another example of an item is a Likert scale question on a personality test. The participant is presented with a statement, such as "I am an outgoing person," and a set of response options, such as "Strongly Agree," "Agree," "Disagree," or "Strongly Disagree." The participant is then expected to select the response option that best reflects their opinion. The responses can be scored and used to assess the participant's personality traits.

Items can also be used to measure specific behaviors or attitudes. For example, a survey item might ask participants how often they engage in a particular behavior, such as exercising or smoking. The responses can be scored and used to understand patterns of behavior or attitudes in a particular population.

In addition to being used in psychological assessments, items can also be used in research studies to measure various psychological constructs. Researchers might use items to assess participants' attitudes toward a particular topic, their emotional responses to a stimulus, or their cognitive abilities.

Overall, items are a fundamental tool in psychology for measuring various psychological constructs and understanding human behavior.