Glossary B

Bias blind spot refers to the tendency to think that biases and errors in judgments are more common in others than in ourselves
Bias from matching refers to a deviation from matching in which one alternative attracts a higher proportion of responses than would be predicted by matching, regardless of whether that alternative contains the richer versus poorer schedule.
Biased sample refers to a subpart of a larger population that does not accurately reflect characteristics of the whole population; a sample with different characteristics from those

Biased sampling means making generalizations from samples of information that are known to be biased or atypical.

Bibacious is a term which means "overly fond of drinking. Bibacious is from the Latin word bibere which means "to drink".

Deutsch: Bücherverbrennung / Español: Quema de libros / Português: Queima de livros / Italiano: Rogo di libri

Biblioclast refers to a person who mutilates or destroys books.

Biblioklept refers to a person who steals books.

Bibliolater refers to a person who have excessive reverence for the Bible as literally interpreted or a person with extravagant devotion to or dependence upon books.