Glossary E

Deutsch: Ethische Praxis / Español: Práctica ética / Português: Prática ética / Français: Pratique éthique / Italiano: Pratica etica

Ethical practice in the psychology context refers to the adherence to established professional standards, guidelines, and principles that govern the conduct of psychologists and mental health professionals. These ethical guidelines are designed to protect the welfare of clients, ensure the integrity of the profession, and guide professionals in making judicious decisions in their practice.

Ethical stage is a term which according to Kierkegaard is the second stage in the growth toward full personal freedom. At this stage, the person makes ethical decisions but uses principles developed by others as a guide in making them.

Ethical standards refer to enforceable rules of professional conduct identified by the APA, as pertains to psychologists, .

Ethical, professional, and cross-cultural issues refer to the ethical, professional, and cross-cultural issues that are critical to the helping relationship and affect how the clinician works with his or her client. One of the eight (8) core areas of knowledge and skill.

Ethics refers to the study of what we understand to be good and right behavior and how people make those judgments

Ethnic group refers to a group of persons who are descendants of a common group of ancestors.

Ethnic identity refers to each person's sense of belonging to a particular ethnic group.

Ethnic identity search refers to the second stage of ethnic identity development similar to the moratorium identity status.