Deutsch: Zukunftsorientierte Frage / Español: Pregunta centrada en el futuro / Português: Questão focada no futuro / Français: Question orientée vers l'avenir / Italiano: Domanda orientata al futuro /

Future-focused question refers to a type of structured interview question in which applicants are given a situation and asked how they would handle it.

A future-focused question is a type of question that is designed to help individuals focus on their future goals, aspirations, and plans. It is often used in coaching, counseling, and therapy to help individuals envision and work towards a more positive future. Future-focused questions can help individuals shift their attention away from past negative experiences and towards the possibilities of the future.

Examples of future-focused questions include:

  • What steps can you take to achieve your goals?
  • What resources or support do you need to accomplish your goals?
  • What is your vision for your future, and what can you do to make it a reality?
  • What small changes can you make in your life today that will have a big impact on your future?
  • What are some potential obstacles to achieving your goals, and how can you overcome them?
  • What are some specific actions you can take to move closer to your desired future?