Glossary G

Good-enough mother is defined as a mother who adapts to her infant’s gestures and needs during early infancy and gradually helps the infant develop independence.

Good-time system refers to a system under which time is deducted from a prison sentence for good behavior within the institution.

Goodness in the Psychology Context: Understanding, Examples, Recommendations, and Similar Concepts

Understanding Goodness in Psychology:

In the field of psychology, "goodness" is a multifaceted concept that encompasses a range of positive attributes, qualities, and behaviors associated with moral, ethical, and virtuous conduct. It relates to an individual's capacity to exhibit kindness, altruism, empathy, and ethical decision-making. Goodness is often examined within the broader context of moral and ethical development, personality traits, and social psychology.

Goodness of fit refers to the extent to which two (2) things are suited. For instance, with respect to child psychopathology, one might use the term to refer to the extent to which the child’s early temperament and the parent’s style of interaction are suited to each other.

- Goodness of fit model : Goodness of fit model refers to a model proposing that a child performs best when the demands of the environment match with his or her temperament.

Gordon Allport (1897-1967) , a social psychologist, studied the complexity and persistence of prejudice. His Major Works: The Nature of Prejudice (1954), Pattern and Growth in Personality (1965), The Person in Psychology (1968).

Gordon Allport (1897-1967) a Social psychologist who studied the complexity and persistence of prejudice. His major works are: The Nature of Prejudice (1954), Pattern and Growth in Personality (1965), The Person in Psychology (1968)

Gordon Bower is a Cognitive psychologist whose research explores the role of emotion in information processing. His major works are: "Mood and Memory, " in American Psychologist (1981).