Glossary G

Graduate Record Exam refers to a standardized admission test required by most psychology graduate schools.

Graduate Record Examination refers to a test frequently required of applicants to graduate training programs. The Graduate Record Examination (GRE) assesses quantitative, verbal, and analytical abilities. In addition, the GRE offers subject tests for several disciplines, including Psychology.

Graduated and reciprocated initiatives in tension-reduction (GRIT) refers to strategy for unilateral, persistent efforts to establish trust and cooperation between opposing parties. It is a strategy designed to de-escalate international tensions.
Graduated exposure refers to a procedure in which clients gradually expose themselves to increasingly greater anxiety-provoking situations.

Graduation can refer to the achievement of completing an educational program, such as high school or college. Graduation can be a significant milestone in an individual's life, and it can have both positive and negative psychological effects.

Grain is a unit of measure which is "a unit of weight equal to 0.0648 gram".

Grammar is defined as a set of rules for combining language units into meaningful speech or writing; the study of language in terms of noticing regular patterns; rules for the arrangement of words and phrases in a sentence and for the inflections that convey gender, tense, and number.

Grammatical gender is defined as the grammatical property in which languages identify objects as masculine, feminine, and sometimes neuter.