Glossary G

Gout refers to a form of arthritis produced by a buildup of uric acid in the body, producing crystals that become lodged in the joints. The most commonly affected area is the big toe.

Gpi is another name for Globus pallidus, a large subcortical structure, one part of the basal ganglia ; a brain region involved in regulating movement.

GPS is the abbreviations of Global Positioning System which refers to a satellite system used to locate any position on the map.

GPS (General Problem Solver) refers to a computer program developed by Allan Newell and Herbert Simon, that solved problems in crypt arithmetic and logic using means –ends analysis.

In psychology, gradation refers to the concept of gradual and incremental change or progression, often applied to the development of various psychological phenomena. This notion acknowledges that many aspects of human behavior, cognition, and emotional experiences do not occur abruptly but rather unfold in a step-by-step or incremental manner. Understanding gradation is essential for comprehending complex psychological processes, identifying potential risks, and facilitating applications in therapeutic and educational settings. In this article, we will delve into the concept of gradation, provide examples, discuss associated risks and application areas, offer recommendations, briefly explore its historical context, and list some related psychological concepts.

Grade may be defined as a cluster of jobs of similar worth. Other definition below.

Grade equivalent score is defined as a standardized test score that describes a pupil's performance on a scale based upon grade in school and month in grade; most commonly misinterpreted score; indicates pupil's level of performance relative to pupils in his/her own grade.

graded exposure refers to gradual exposure of a subject to a feared situation.