Glossary G

Growth potential is defined as a capacity for competence that all individuals possess. To release this capacity is the goal of Client-centered therapy
Growth spur refers to a period during which growth advances at a dramatically rapid rate compared with other periods.

GSR is the abbreviations of Galvanic skin response, a change in the electrical resistance (or inversely, the conductance) of the skin, due to sweating.
- GTO (Golgi tendon organ) : GTO or Golgi tendon organ is deifned as a proprioceptor found in the tendon close to the muscle tendon junction which is sensitive to both muscle tension and active contraction. GTO is a receptor that responds to the contraction of a muscle
Guaifenesin refers to a n over-the-counter expectorant

Guardian ad litem refers to a person appointed by the court to represent or make decisions for a person, such as a minor or an incapacitated adult, who is legally incapable of doing so in a civil legal proceeding.

Deutsch: Anleitung / Español: Orientación / Português: Orientação / Français: Orientation / Italiano: Guida /

Guidance a term which involves direction, demonstration, supervision, and influence.

Guidance clinics refer to clinics devoted to the evaluation and treatment of children's intellectual and behavioral difficulties.