Glossary G
Glossary G
GSR is the abbreviations of Galvanic skin response, a change in the electrical resistance (or inversely, the conductance) of the skin, due to sweating.
- GTO (Golgi tendon organ) : GTO or Golgi tendon organ is deifned as a proprioceptor found in the tendon close to the muscle tendon junction which is sensitive to both muscle tension and active contraction. GTO is a receptor that responds to the contraction of a muscle
Guaifenesin refers to a n over-the-counter expectorant
Guardian ad litem refers to a person appointed by the court to represent or make decisions for a person, such as a minor or an incapacitated adult, who is legally incapable of doing so in a civil legal proceeding.
Deutsch: Anleitung / Español: Orientación / Português: Orientação / Français: Orientation / Italiano: Guida /
Guidance a term which involves direction, demonstration, supervision, and influence.
Guidance clinics refer to clinics devoted to the evaluation and treatment of children's intellectual and behavioral difficulties.
Guided Imagery refers to the relaxation and stress-reduction technique which uses positive thoughts and images to relieve pain, slow the heart rate, and stimulate the body's healing responses.
Guided imagery is defined as a technique of relaxation and pain control in which a person conjures up a picture that is held in mind during a painful or stressful experience. It is the intentional visualization of images that are calming, relaxing, or beneficial in other ways.
Guided imagery, moreover, is an alternative medicine technique in which patients use their imagination to visualize improved health, or to "attack" a disease, such as a tumor. Some studies indicate that the positive thinking can have an effect on disease outcome, so this technique is now utilized as "complimentary medicine" in some Oncology centers and other medical facilities.