Journal is defined as a written collection of articles describing the methods and results of new research.

In the psychology context, a journal refers to a periodical publication that contains research articles, reviews, and other scholarly content related to psychology. Journals are a primary source of information for psychologists, researchers, and students.

There are many psychology journals, some of which are focused on specific areas of psychology, while others cover a broad range of topics. Examples of popular psychology journals include:

  1. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
  2. Developmental Psychology
  3. Journal of Abnormal Psychology
  4. Cognitive Psychology
  5. Journal of Counseling Psychology
  6. Health Psychology
  7. Neuropsychology
  8. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General
  9. Psychology of Women Quarterly
  10. Psychological Science

These journals publish articles on a wide range of topics, such as social behavior, cognition, emotions, mental health, neuroscience, and more. Researchers and professionals in the field of psychology often use these journals to keep up to date with the latest research and to publish their own findings.

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