Moro reflex is defined as reflex in which infants arch their back, fling out their arms and legs, and draw them back toward the chest in response to a sudden change in position.

The Moro reflex is a primitive reflex that is present in newborns and infants. It is an involuntary response to sudden changes in the environment, such as a loud noise, a sudden movement, or a feeling of falling. The Moro reflex is an automatic response that causes a baby to startle and react to these sudden changes in their surroundings.

When the Moro reflex is triggered, a baby will usually throw their arms out to the sides, extend their legs, and then bring their arms back towards their body in a hugging motion. They may also cry or become agitated.

The Moro reflex is important for survival in newborns, as it helps them to respond to potential threats in their environment. However, it typically disappears after the first few months of life as the nervous system develops and the baby gains greater control over their movements.

Here are some examples of situations that may trigger the Moro reflex in infants:

  • A sudden loud noise, such as a door slamming or a car honking
  • A sudden change in temperature, such as being placed in a cold bath or exposed to a draft of cold air
  • A sudden change in position, such as being lifted quickly or jostled during a diaper change
  • A feeling of falling, such as when a baby is startled by a sudden movement or feeling of instability

It's worth noting that the Moro reflex is a normal part of early development and is not a cause for concern. However, if the reflex does not disappear after several months or if it is very strong and occurs frequently, it may be a sign of a neurological or developmental issue and should be evaluated by a medical professional.

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