Phenotype refers to the visible properties of an organism that are produced by the interaction of the genotype and the environment. The entire physical, biochemical, and physiological makeup of an individual as determined both genetically and environmentally; also, any one or any group of such traits.
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Phenotype refers to a person's observable characteristics or behavior; the expression of one"s genotype in the environment. Phenotype is the product of both the genotype and the environment.

Phenotype is likewise defined as the actual form or constitution of a person as determined by heredity and environmental factors; the person's physical, behavioral, and psychological features that result from the interaction between one"s genes and the environment

Phenotype refers to the appearance of an individual, which results from the interaction of the person's genetic makeup and his or her environment. By contrast, the genotype is merely the genetic constitution (genome) of an individual. For example, if a child's genotype includes the gene for osteogenesis imperfecta (brittle bone disease), minimal trauma can cause fractures. The gene is the genotype, and the brittle bones themselves are the phenotype.
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phenotype refers to an individual’s observable characteristics or behavior (the expression of one’s genotype in the environment).
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phenotype refers to observable characteristics or behaviors of an individual.