Deutsch: Druck / Español: Presión / Português: Pressão / Français: Pression / Italiano: Pressione /

Pressure is defined as a stressful condition occurring when a person must meet urgent external demands or expectations. Pressure is likewise defined as expectations or demands that a person must behave in a certain way.

In psychology, pressure can refer to the stress or anxiety that an individual feels as a result of external or internal demands or expectations. These demands or expectations may come from work, school, family, or other sources, and can be related to performance, achievement, or meeting certain standards.

For example, a student may feel pressure to get good grades in school in order to be accepted into a prestigious university. An employee may feel pressure to meet deadlines and achieve targets in order to keep their job or be considered for a promotion. A person may feel pressure to conform to societal expectations or norms regarding appearance, success, or relationships.

Pressure can be a normal and healthy part of life, as it can motivate individuals to work harder and achieve their goals. However, excessive or chronic pressure can lead to stress and anxiety, which can have negative effects on physical and mental health.