Glossary R
Glossary R
Deutsch: Ressourcenmanagement / Español: Gestión de Recursos / Português: Gestão de Recursos / Français: Gestion des Ressources / Italian: Gestione delle Risorse
Resource Management in the psychology context refers to the strategies and processes individuals or groups use to effectively utilize and allocate their cognitive, emotional, and social resources. It involves managing one's time, energy, attention, and emotional capacities to achieve goals and maintain well-being.
Deutsch: Einfallsreichtum / Español: Ingenio / Português: Engenhosidade / Français: Ingéniosité / Italiano: Ingeniosità /
Resourcefulness within the realm of psychology refers to an individual's ability to creatively and effectively solve problems or navigate challenges, often by making the most of available resources and adapting to new situations. This article explores the concept of resourcefulness in psychology, emphasizing its significance, providing numerous examples to illustrate its relevance, discussing potential risks associated with low resourcefulness, examining its application areas within the field of psychology, offering recommendations for enhancing resourcefulness, and, if applicable, exploring any historical or legal aspects. We will also present sentences demonstrating the use of 'resourcefulness' in different grammatical forms and conclude with a list of related terms and a summary.
Deutsch: Respekt / Español: Respeto / Português: Respeito / Français: Respect / Italiano: Rispetto
Respect in the psychology context refers to a positive feeling or action shown towards someone or something considered important or held in high esteem. It involves acknowledging the feelings, wishes, rights, traditions, or abilities of others. In psychological terms, respect is seen as a crucial element in healthy relationships, contributing to the development of trust, safety, and well-being among individuals and within communities.
The external respiration is the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the lungs and the environment; internal respiration describes the use of oxygen by the cell (mitochondria).
Deutsch: Respiratorisch / Español: Respiratorio / Português: Respiratório / Français: Respiratoire / Italiano: Respiratorio
The respiratory is the system of muscles that regulates the flow of air from the lungs to the vocal tract.
In psychology, the term respiratory generally relates to breathing processes and their impact on psychological states and functions. Although primarily physiological, respiratory processes are integral to several psychological theories and therapeutic practices, particularly those concerning stress, emotion regulation, and relaxation techniques.
Deutsch: Respondent / Español: respondiente / Português: respondente / Français: répondant / Italiano: rispondente
The respondent is a person who provides data for analysis by responding to a survey questionnaire.
In the context of psychology, respondent can refer to either a person who responds to stimuli in a psychological experiment, typically in studies related to classical conditioning, or it can mean a participant who provides data or answers in psychological research or surveys.