Glossary R

The external respiration is the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the lungs and the environment; internal respiration describes the use of oxygen by the cell (mitochondria).

Deutsch: Respiratorisch / Español: Respiratorio / Português: Respiratório / Français: Respiratoire / Italiano: Respiratorio

The respiratory is the system of muscles that regulates the flow of air from the lungs to the vocal tract.

In psychology, the term respiratory generally relates to breathing processes and their impact on psychological states and functions. Although primarily physiological, respiratory processes are integral to several psychological theories and therapeutic practices, particularly those concerning stress, emotion regulation, and relaxation techniques.

Respiratory therapy refers to the diagnostic evaluation, management, and treatment of the care of patients with deficiencies and abnormalities in the cardiopulmonary (heart-lung) system.

Deutsch: Respondent / Español: respondiente / Português: respondente / Français: répondant / Italiano: rispondente

The respondent is a person who provides data for analysis by responding to a survey questionnaire.

In the context of psychology, respondent can refer to either a person who responds to stimuli in a psychological experiment, typically in studies related to classical conditioning, or it can mean a participant who provides data or answers in psychological research or surveys.

A Response is any muscular action, glandular activity, or other identifiable aspect of behavior.

Other definition:

The answer choices given for a matching item is called a Response.

Response chaining refers to the assembly of separate responses into a series of actions that lead to reinforcement.

Response compression is the result when doubling the physical intensity of a stimulus less than doubles the subjective magnitude of the stimulus.

- Response prevention : response prevention refers to a procedure used in the treatment of anxiety that prevents the child from engaging in escape or avoidance behaviors. Responce prevention procedure is usually used in conjunction with flooding.