Glossary R

Deutsch: Widerstand / Español: Resistencia / Português: Resistência / Français: Résistance / Italiano: Resistenza

Resistance is the unconscious blocking of anxiety-provoking thoughts or feelings.

In psychology, resistance refers to the phenomenon where individuals unconsciously defend themselves against certain thoughts, feelings, or behaviors that are perceived as threatening. This concept is particularly prominent in psychoanalytic and psychodynamic therapies, where it is seen as an important indicator of significant underlying issues that the individual is not yet ready to confront.

Resistant Attachment refers to an insecure infant-caregiver bond, characterized by strong separation protest and a tendency of the child to remain near but resist contact initiated by the ca

Resistentialism refers to the theory that inanimate objects demonstrate hostile behavior toward people.

Deutsch: Auflösung / Español: Resolución / Português: Resolução / Français: Résolution / Italiano: Risoluzione

In psychology, resolution refers to the process of solving a conflict, problem, or emotional disturbance, often leading to a state of cognitive and emotional clarity. This concept is central in various psychological therapies and theories, especially those concerned with conflict resolution, decision-making, and coping strategies.

Resolution is also the fourth stage of the sexual response cycle, in which the body returns to the prearoused state.

Deutsch: Resonanz / Español: resonancia / Português: ressonância / Français: résonance / Italiano: risonanza

Resonance is a mechanism that enhances the intensity of certain frequencies because of the reflection of sound waves in a closed tube. Resonance in the auditory canal enhances frequencies between about 2,000 and 5,000 Hz.

In psychology, resonance refers to the experience of having one's feelings, thoughts, or beliefs deeply understood and reflected by another person, environment, or through an activity. It involves a meaningful connection or alignment that evokes a strong emotional response or a sense of identification.

In the psychology context, Resource Allocation refers to how individuals manage their cognitive and emotional resources, such as attention, memory capacity, and emotional energy, across different tasks and situations. This concept is crucial in understanding how people prioritize their mental and emotional efforts, particularly when faced with competing demands or in the pursuit of goals. Effective resource allocation is key to optimizing performance, managing stress, and achieving a balanced well-being.

Deutsch: Ressourcenmanagement / Español: Gestión de Recursos / Português: Gestão de Recursos / Français: Gestion des Ressources / Italian: Gestione delle Risorse

Resource Management in the psychology context refers to the strategies and processes individuals or groups use to effectively utilize and allocate their cognitive, emotional, and social resources. It involves managing one's time, energy, attention, and emotional capacities to achieve goals and maintain well-being.

Deutsch: Einfallsreichtum / Español: Ingenio / Português: Engenhosidade / Français: Ingéniosité / Italiano: Ingeniosità /

Resourcefulness within the realm of psychology refers to an individual's ability to creatively and effectively solve problems or navigate challenges, often by making the most of available resources and adapting to new situations. This article explores the concept of resourcefulness in psychology, emphasizing its significance, providing numerous examples to illustrate its relevance, discussing potential risks associated with low resourcefulness, examining its application areas within the field of psychology, offering recommendations for enhancing resourcefulness, and, if applicable, exploring any historical or legal aspects. We will also present sentences demonstrating the use of 'resourcefulness' in different grammatical forms and conclude with a list of related terms and a summary.