Glossary T

Transductive reasoning refers to the errors in understanding cause-and-effect relationships that are commonly made by preoperational children.

Transfer refers to any carryover of knowledge or skills from one problem situation to another.

Transfer appropriate processing is the principle that whether encoding activities promote memory will depend on the type of test used to assess memory performance

Transference refers to the displacement of emotions from one person to another during the treatment, as when feelings for a parent are transferred to the analyst or feelings about siblings are transferred to fellow group members; the process by which a patient responds to the therapist as if the therapist were a relevant person in the patient's life.

Transferrin refers to plasma protein that binds iron and is representative of the whole body iron store.

Transformation refer to the stages of Jungian psychoanalytic therapy:

Stage 1- involves the client sharing life experiences and telling secrets not typically told to others;

Stage 2

Transformation rules are rules by which a simple declarative sentence may be changed to other voices or forms (past tense, passive voice, and so forth).

Transformational Leadership: Transformational Leadership refers to a form of Leadership based on inspiration or charisma.

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