Glossary T

Transmigration of the soul refers to the Dionysiac-Orphic belief that because of some transgression, the soul is compelled to dwell in one earthly prison after another until it is purified. The transmigration may find the soul at various times in plants, animals, and humans as it seeks redemption.

Transmission cell (T-cell) the cell which according to gate control theory that receives input from the L- and S-fibers. Activity in the T-cell determines the perception of pain.

Transmission cells are afferent neurons that connect to other neurons; also called secondary afferents.

Transmitter-gated channel is an ion channel that opens temporarily when a neurotransmitter binds to it

Transnational Crime refers to a criminal act or Transaction violating the laws of more than one country or having an impact on a

Transparency something that occurs when people see analogies where they do not exist because of similarity of content

Transpersonal psychology refers to Maslow's proposed fourth force in psychology that stresses the relationship between the individual and the cosmos or the universe and in so doing fo

Transpersonal Psychology Index refers to the study of experiences, beliefs and practices that suggest that the sense of self can extend beyond our personal or individual reality.

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