Glossary T

Transition refers to the initial movement of the head of the fetus into the birth canal. It is the last period in labor, in which contractions are strongest and the periods in between contractions are the shortest. In the life course, Transition is the beginning or close of an event or role relationship. For example, work transitions might be getting one's first job, being laid off, and going back to school for an advanced degree.

Transition period refers to the time span during which a person leaves an existing life pattern behind and moves into a new pattern.

Transition steady state refers to a response rate that shows very little variation once the experimental manipulation has been implemented in a baseline experiment.
Transitional forms refer to utterances, such as vertical constructions that children produce between producing single-word and clear two-word utterances.
Transitional object refers to a soft, cuddly object often carried to bed by a child to ease the separation from parents. It refers to an object, most often a teddy bear that serves as a transition for infants to shift from experiencing themselves as a center of the world to a sense of themselves as a person among others.

Transitional probabilities in language, are the chances that one sound will follow another sound. Every language has transitional probabilities for different sounds. Part of learning a language involves learning about the transitional probabilities in that language.
Transitivity refers to the principle that if A is greater than B in a property and B is greater than C, then A is greater than C.

Transitivity is a term in Piaget's Theory that is based o

The term "transmigration" is traditionally referring to the movement of souls after death into another body, or more generally, the process of moving from one place to another — there could be relevant psychological concepts or phenomena that loosely align with this idea in metaphorical or symbolic ways.

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